Introduction to Liberate
February 5, 2024
Greetings, patriot! Welcome to Liberate RVA. This year, we’re launching a dynamic new platform to showcase upcoming articles from our esteemed members, share bite-sized news reports, and keep you in the loop about events you shouldn’t miss. This upgrade reflects our progress since May of 2012, providing a comprehensive overview.
The first phase of this idea was an experiment to see if common Virginians could be reasoned with to agree that big government is a danger to every aspect of our lives, often conflicting with their values. After years of on-the-street discussions that would get a thumbs up from Socrates, we’ve recorded hundreds of engagements, solidifying the success of our project.
We’ve reached crossroads, growing our small group of friends into vast networks with the same destiny — to liberate ourselves from state propaganda infecting virtually every aspect of life. From challenging our institutions infused with Critical Race Theory to exposing how intellectual property stifles innovation, and shedding light on the FDA’s interference with our food supply (just ask Joel Salatin), to the Federal Reserve’s continuing devaluation of our currency by 92%, and the destructive impact of minimum-wage policies on job creation — the challenges are myriad.

The next phase involved refocusing all that energy back into the group with continued Saloon-type meetups, investments in improving marksmanship, and nurturing the next generation. Many of us have started families, myself included, emphasizing the importance of passing down our knowledge to ensure they can carry the torch — and firearms.
It’s an undeniable reality that the value of the dollar will eventually reach zero. While the exact timing remains uncertain, we can prepare accordingly for the eventual collapse of the Federal Government. That marks the third phase — what happens next when Virginia is finally free from being controlled by D.C. politicians. It took the Spanish over 800 years to reclaim their country from Mohammedan occupiers, a multi-generational struggle that forged them into one of the most formidable and resilient tribes in history. Our struggle is likewise multi-generational, but I’m confident we can achieve liberation much quicker.